Article by Wyatte Grantham-Philips from USA Today

‘Tis the season for gift giving. And waste.
If you’re surrounded by endless wrapping paper, festive bows and Christmas cards this holiday, it’s important to note proper recycling protocols — especially for paper products, the most recycled material in the U.S, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
“Millions of Americans can also do their part during the holiday season by recycling paper-based products at home,” Heidi Brock, President and CEO of the American Forest & Paper Association, said in a statement to USA TODAY.
Brock added that a common mistake people make at the end of the year is “Wishcycling.”
“The act of putting something in the recycling bin in the hope that someone else will figure out what to do with it, actually impedes the recycling process,” she said, urging communities to help educate consumers about local guidelines.
Not everything can go in those blue bins. Glue, ribbons and glitter-dusted decorations can clog the recycling process. Most nonpaper products need to be tossed or reused.
Each holiday gift wrap is disposed of differently at the end of the year. Unsure of what to do as you pack up this season’s festivities in a sustainable way? Have no fear — this list is for you.
Recycle? Reuse? Or trash? Here’s what you need to know.